单词 shipyard 例句大全,用单词shipyard造句:

The Shipyard has pioneered an environmentally safe method of deactivating and recycling nuclearpowered ships.
造船厂, 摸索了环境安全的方法再造失核动力船舶。
Application of Technique of High Pressure Jet Grouting in Seepage Control Project for Dock of Shipyard in Burma
Minimum 8years machining inspector experience in shipyard heavy industry experience is preferred, container cranes.
在船厂, 大型机械制造厂至少8年以上检验员工作经验,
In its early days the shipyard was situated on the Barge Dock side and the ships were launched into the Dutch River.
Objective To clarify distributions and relevant risk factors of occupational injuries in a shipyard during 1994 to 2003.

单词 shipyard 释义



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