Correction of a bug that sometimes freezes clients program in siege attack.
I think it now permissible to claim that the siege of Tobruk has been raised.
The siege campaign on Yingzhou was a major warfare in the Nian Army's history.
there are siege weapons in one barrack, so dont worry about the number of petards.
As the siege of the port intensified, he was given command of a naval gun battery.
而当港口被加紧围困后, 他又奉命指挥一个海岸炮台。
Ultralisks are extremely strong and deadly. A good counter are archons or siege tanks.
雷兽很强, 对抗执政官和坦克很好用。
That's the place those Death Eater creatures tried to lay siege to recently, isn't it?
那地方就是那些食死徒最近想要围歼的地方, 不是么?
Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.
The Vikings also attacked Rouen, Nantes, Toulouse and Bordeaux, and laid siege to Paris.
When the critical moment when the city is under siege, you can become invincible empire!
Laying siege to the Ashen Orders mountain fortress would be a waste of time and resources.
Kansas City, expecting a siege, formed an artillery park on the highest ground in the city.
堪萨斯城预期被围, 就在城中最高地点建立炮兵阵地。
ChiangNan seven strangely lay siege to, fly the poison pinprick of a day bat in my double eye.
Poison food This reduces the amount of food stores a town or castle has for waiting out a siege.
Tens of thousands of troops participated in the aggression and the siege directed against Vukovar.
Any Castle under the guard of the Brotherhood of the Sword stands a better chance in siege combat.
missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area.
火箭炮车虽然精度欠缺, 但可以进行大范围杀伤。
The king of Assyria invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid siege to it for three years.
Draw water for the siege, strengthen your defenses! Work the clay, tread the mortar, repair the brickwork!
The Method of Precision Orientation Detecting and Analysis for Searching the Siege People at Calamity Area
And his eyewitness account of the 1968 presidential nominating conventions, Miammi and the siege of Chicargo.
他的见证包括1968年的总统任命大会, 迈阿密和包围芝加哥。
Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.
Draw for yourself water for the siege! Strengthen your fortresses! Go into the clay, and tread in the mortar! Make the brick kiln ready!
You will be able to siege in SoG. A castle is important since it represents the political influence of the barony, therefore of the county, the duchy and the realm
可以攻城, 而且非常关键, 绝对有影响力
When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit.
你若许久围困, 攻打所要取的一座城, 就不可举斧子砍坏树木。