单词 snug 例句大全,用单词snug造句:

If you wrap the blanket around yourself tigh, you will be as snug as a bug in a rug.
Silicone DOLL's vaginal and anal cavities are made snug to accommodate any insertion.
Cut another piece if you have to, but the two pieces should slide together with a snug fit.
必要时可以另切一段, 但是两个管件要套得刚刚好。
Chafing can be caused by loose running clothing, so it's better to wear clothes that are snug.
Because the plates pulled tight and snug over one another, the earths crust became more compact.
因为板块的互相推挤, 会使地壳变得更加紧密结实。
There was old man Grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep.
With that windfall, Baekeland, his wife Celina and two children moved to Snug Rock, a pala-tial estate north of Yonkers, N.Y., over-looking the Hudson River.

单词 snug 释义

  • 单词释义:温暖舒适的;小而整洁的;建造良好的;紧身的  [更多..]



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