单词 skyscraper 例句大全,用单词skyscraper造句:

For a moment she wished she were on the top floor of a very, very high skyscraper.
霎时间, 她希望她在一栋很高, 很高的摩天大楼的最高层。
Imagine yourself as an architect tasked with designing a large corporate skyscraper.
As the skyscraper war rages on, developers should remember that size isnt everything.
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscraper in Now York.
The father of architectural modernism, he shaped the defining American building the skyscraper.
现代主义建筑之父, 他塑造的界定美国建筑摩天大楼。
Escape a burning skyscraper in a hail of machine gun fire while hanging from a helicopter by one arm
The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories.
该平台可沿摩天大楼上下移动, 运送高楼受困人员。
Mike Mulligan, in his old steam shovel named Mary Anne, is digging a hole where a skyscraper will be built.
Standing on the shoulders of historic engineering marvels, the Burj Dubai really is the ultimate skyscraper.
This newtype product is a lind of stretcher suitable for the skyscraper and give first aid, shift the sicd and wounded.
该新型产品是一种适合高层建筑救护, 转移伤病员的担架。

单词 skyscraper 释义

  • 单词释义:摩天大楼,超高层大楼;特别高的东西  [更多..]



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