单词 slam 例句大全,用单词slam造句:

He heard the trunk slam shut, then glanced back at the airport terminal.
凯文听见后背箱梆的一声关上了, 然后向后看机场的出口。
The electronic travel market is slam-dunking traditional travel agencies.
I prefer basketball to football only because I like to see the slam dunks.
But he was never able to complete a career slam by winning the French open.
A grand slam in one's life may create jealousy among friends and associates.
一个人的成就, 可能引起朋友的忌妒。
Looked back and slam the brakes, or a woman sitting in the original position.
急刹车回头一看, 女人还是坐在原来的位子。
Chan Taekwondo Championships in perfect completion of a Grand Slam Gold Medal
A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes.
Spring loaded for fast closure, eliminating reverse flow slam and water hammer.
负载弹簧用于快速关闭, 消除逆流冲击和水锤。
Was good to see Rafer attack the rim and dish the ball off to Yao for the slam.
We are also adding increased damage to Arms, possibly through Overpower or Slam.
I hate people open the cupboard doors, not from the East and West End slam door.
我讨厌人打开柜子门, 取完东西却不把门关上。
A slam dunk is when a player jumps high and throws the ball down into the basket.
Caption Fragments of Comet ShoemakerLevy slam into the gas giant Jupiter in 1992.
With a slam, the wind closed one door while the curtain fluttered toward the room.
The 13time Grand Slam champions absence from tennis could stretch to almost a year.
He swung himself around to slam the ball past Squizzi and push the Rossoneri ahead.
他带球晃过了斯奎奇, 为米兰取得了领先。
Strength against slam load analysis of pitch reducing attachment installed on convey.
You have to admit the best part of the game was the slam dunk from the free throw line.
A player who wins all four events in one season is said to have captured the Grand Slam.
Could you be careful when you close the door? It scares me to death everytime you slam it.
The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG. Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings.
Some jerk cut me off today and came so close to hitting me. I had to slam on my breaks #ROADRAGE
Though he was only 13 years old, he was able to shoot, slam dunk and dribble like a professional player.
尽管他刚13岁, 他就象职业选手一样投篮, 扣篮和运球。
Just saw a car slam into two parked cars right in front of me. First time I’ve ever had to call 119. Either he fell asleep at the wheel or he was really drunk.

单词 slam 释义

  • 单词释义:砰地关上(门或窗);猛烈抨击;使劲一推;猛劲一摔  [更多..]



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