Enhance skin protective function according to different skin type, leave skin moisturized and healthy.
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and is the leading cause of death from skin disease.
Slant as a result of color of skin dark, need to pass powdery bottom to raise skin color equably bright.
Causes and countermeasures of white skin on shed Water analysis in pink skin onion and yellow skin onion
In vitro Transdermal Penetration of Brucine Liposomes in Excised Rats Skin and Irritation to Rabbits Skin
Treatment of large skin tear wound of limbs by reattachment of skin combined with vacuum sealing drainage
Dissociating and transplanting the skin flap of chest and navel to repair large area defect of skin on limb
Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease that causes loss of pigment resulting in irregular pale patches of skin.
Its ethylic acid can soften cuticle and astringe skin. Its alcoholic compounds can clean and disinfect skin.
This face powder and skin cream serve only to cleanse your skin and promote the attractiveness of your face.
Objective To investigate the management of skin avulsion by back grafting mesh flaps taken from avulsed skin.
Thin split thickness skin grafting double taken from avulsed skin in treatment for skin avulsion in children.
Skin stress measuring system and correlation between skin stretching force and blood circulation of wound edge.
1 Case of partial abdominal skin flap combined with iliolumbar skin flap repairing electric burn of left upper limb
Methods Adopting scrotal flap with tunica dartos pedicle or free thigh skin flap to repair avulsion of skin of penis.
a chronic skin disease associated with seborrhea and greasy scales on the scalp or eyelids or other parts of the skin.
Five foods can be used to help women delay the aging of their skin and leave their skin appearing bright, firm and elastic.
五种食物能够帮助女人保持肌肤的光泽, 韧度和弹性。
Brown discolorations of the skin, when closely examined, are seen to contain lice excrement deposited just beneath the skin.
Influence of the stratum corneum and dermis of the skin on the percutaneous absorption of fiuorouracil delivered through skin patch
Systemic symptom has a mouth to work not thirsty, the skin presents skin armour fault, abdomen is prickled, painful have calm place.
In this photograph, sutures placed just beneath the skin surface have been used to bring the skin edges together above the clitoris.
Irradiated porcine skin impregnated with fluorine and silver covered by autogenous granule skin graft for treating severe burn injury
Application of large medium thick skin, full thick skin or skin flap in skin grafting rehabilitation of patients with deep burnt hand
Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence.
活化眼部肌肤, 消除毒素, 减轻眼部肌肤负担。
Toning completes the process of facial cleansing by removing any last traces of grime and preparing the skin for moisturising or skin treatments.