单词 society 例句大全,用单词society造句:

Our society is developing rapidly, economy based knowledge and society of information is coming.
人类社会迅猛发展, 知识经济和信息化社会扑面而来。
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The increase of unharmonious factors in the society is mainly due to the absence of fairness system.
Harmonious society is a hot spot problem that the current theory boundary and academic circles study.
The Harmonious Society Theory is a politic concept and the macroscopic kind pursuit of human society.
和谐社会是政治性概念, 宏观上人类的美好追求
Incense Society is a non government religious society by the people sharing the same religious belief.
A harmonious society is a society in which there is a sound and concordant relation of social benefit.
According to Marxism, communist society is a society in which there is overwhelming material abundance.
To merely televise governmental proceedings will not affect society unless society watches these events.
About Relations between Constructing Socialist Concord Society and Building an Overall Well to Do Society.
First period of the Qin Dynasty basically is in primitive society and period of Qin Han of servile society.
The society will offer support and opportunity to those who are poor in order to eradicate absolute poverty.
Therefore, the communist society is certainly a humanistic society with the complete liberation of humanity.
Among the most debilitating problems are corruption which often permeates the entire society, and drug abuse.
Plenteous fresh water is the magnitude guarantee of the subsistence and society abidance development of human being.
The Confucianism theory is advantageous to the maintenance society stability, stable, set up the harmonious society.
儒家学说有利于维护社会安定, 稳定, 构建和谐社会。
People's appraisal of their society's current condition is always an important indicator of a society's development.
The ultimate aim of treatment and rehabilitation is the eventual reintegration of the former drug abuser into society.
She is a member of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
The problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British.
Early Missionary Work by the Society of Jesus and a Comparison of Traditional Society Backgrounds between Ancient China and Japan
The current society is one of circulating information. We must update our information sources constantly to stand fast in society.
Liu loves to read works by the members of the Creation Society, but he detests those by the writers of the Society of Literary Study.
在阅读上他偏好创造社的作品, 但不喜文学研究会的作品。
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They were old fogy of the last regin of feudal society, they loyally safeguarded traditional culture, but they were dropped behind of current society.

单词 society 释义

  • 单词释义:社会;社团;交往  [更多..]



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