单词 small 例句大全,用单词small造句:

Varying the depth of the surface of the concrete floor has a small piece of a small piece of water.
Certainly, in some small cases, its a bit easier to fire off of a helper thread to handle small jobs.
在某些情况下, 使用辅助线程处理小作业肯定比较容易。
The annexation of a small country by a big one or of a big country by a small one is a common occurrence.
大并小, 小并大的事都是常有的。
Moving through the small business owner's personal assets, for small businesses operating working capital.
Because these wavelengths are so small, it is convenient to express them in terms of a small unit of length.
the end are a for you small stick the private, eat the small cage and do not be anxious, otherwise will burn.
最后给你一个小贴士, 吃小笼别心急, 否则会烫伤的。
and the economy of small independent craftsmen and traders and the economy of small and middle private capital
The town does piscatorial enterprise and small, small, deficient enterprise to should sell, auction and annex.
and the economy of small independent craftsmen and traders and the economy of small and middle private capital.
Mugwort is utilized for phytoremediation to have small disturbance to environment and small destructive power to soil.
The Paleogene lake basin of the Tangyuan fault depression experienced a process from small to large and again to small.
This way he thinks he can support small businesses, helping to provide employment opportunities for small stallholders.
A small barb or pointed projection, especially one of the small projections fringing the edges of the barbs of feathers.
羽小支小羽支或尖状凸起物, 尤指沿羽支边缘排列的小凸起
The small, saucershaped ice disks supplied by the Culinary Institute did not make the grade small cubes melt too fast, .
Grain size is small after intermediate annealing. Small and homogeneous grains are obtained after decarburizing annealing.
中间退火后晶粒细小, 脱碳退火后晶粒细小均匀。
They are the perfect equipments for medium size brickfield and small size brickfield Because of only with small investment.
The value of the misalignment angle is small, and it's negative at a small attack angle and positive at a large attack angle.
Each and each kid is this spirit in the small hospital, have we, just make this small hospital be full of vitality and mirth.
In numerous small ornament, small containers esp. for use in the house, open interest is the most sufficient is cany small basket.
But alas, without meaning to, small things can become great things at the least expected of times. The small word was no exception.
Children have small appetites and need small, frequent meals to ensure they get all the nutrients needed for healthy growth and development.
Coronal of the vi babble before coronal of anterior teeth tooth is too small very small or show taper, when josh grinningly very not beautiful.
前牙牙冠过小前牙牙冠很小或呈锥形, 说笑露齿时很不美观。
The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries, small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in...
This is the microscopic pattern of a small cell anaplastic carcinoma in which small dark blue cells with minimal cytoplasm are packed together in sheets.
When internal fault occurs, the phase angle difference of two end currents is small and the restraint coefficient is small, so the sensitiveness of relay is high.
内部故障时两侧电流相位差小, 则制动系数小, 保护灵敏度高。

单词 small 释义

  • 单词释义:小的;难为情的;低级的,卑劣的;细微的,微弱的  [更多..]



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