单词 snap 例句大全,用单词snap造句:

Application in the storage method of chlorine dioxide of the snap bean
Study on Characteristic of Snap Bean Hardseed and Its Treatment Method
The Study on the Technology of Extracting Total Saponins from Snap Bean
The hat top fixed band is made by a nylon snap and fixed on the hat top.
When a dog gets and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot it.
如果狗老朱黄了还老扇你耳光, 你可以毙了它。
So excited by the mango pudding, i ate it all before i could snap a shot.
太兴奋了, 望了照相就把布叮吃完了!
And now I will break his yoke from off you and will snap your bonds asunder.
Observation on the control of russet and decay of snap beans during storage.
The ultrasonic method was applied to extract of total saponins from snap bean.
Create a new document, then turn on the Grid snap settings to snap to the grid.
建立一个新的文件, 然后打开显示网格, 勾选对齐网格。
The design methods of annular snap fits and torsional snap fits are illustrated.
Effect of physiology of snap bean by using carboxymethyl chitosan during storage.
Yawning he started to again started to doze only to be awoken by a snap of a twig.
I'm about to snap like a brittle twig, when suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder.
the same coul dnot necessarily be said for Paladins should a snap aggro ability be added.
Hunan's Huanghua Airport has been closed since Friday in the worst cold snap in a decade.
Effects of Selenium on Growth and Protein Content of Snap Bean Seedlings under Salt Stress
The seed pod suddenly snap apart, throw the spore into the air to is distribute by the wind
心皮突然爆开, 将孢子抛到空中, 再由风将它们撒布开去
There is stop groove in the bearing outer ring or it is simultaneously matched with snap rong.
Ltd shaft silicon steel snap ring spacer spring stator assembly steel lattice upper bobbin wire
Snap the horizontal cable's tension point with ink line onto the structure fa ? ade as picture shows.
将水平索拉点用墨线? ? 结构立面上, 如图示。
Visible at that time, contend for effect bookman, furniture of snap up fine wood also is one of vogue.
As you snap your left heal up off the floor, your right heal should simultaneously snap down onto the floor.
The Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva has dissolved parliament and announced a snap election for 5 June.
葡萄牙总统席尔瓦解散议会, 并宣布在6月5日举行选举。
With syncopation the impulse can come suddenly off the beat, and it gives it a little snap or jazzy aspect to the music.

单词 snap 释义

  • 单词释义:猛地咬住;呵斥;折断  [更多..]



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