单词 sneeze 例句大全,用单词sneeze造句:

If you don a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
如果你没有纸巾, 请用上衣袖子掩盖, 而不是你的手。
It spreads to the air when people infected with the disease cough or sneeze.
I am snuffle only, not snorty with sneeze. Is this what to rhinitis belong to?
You could fall down, sneeze, get dry mouth, have shallow breathing, and so on.
Will your eyes pop out of your head if you keep your eyes open during a sneeze
如果你打喷嚏时保持双眼睁着, 你的眼珠子会弹出来吗?
The next time you cough or sneeze , there is good reason to cover your mouth.
One of my fabrics is so fragile that holes appear instantly if you sneeze on it.
我的一件织物非常脆弱, 在上面打了个喷嚏洞就会马上出来。
And don't sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex.
不要随处打喷嚏或擤鼻涕, 而是要对着手巾或者卫生纸。
While you were soaking yourself in the golden cornfield, my sneeze made it popple.
The teacher a student imitate, do not become aware secretly laugh, laugh, hit a sneeze.
Frankly, itd be more hygienic if they just had a plagueinfested gibbon sneeze my hands dry.
A explode of cool breeze is beat, the rich brocade blow a sneeze, the body Se shrunk bottom.
一阵凉风吹来, 锦绣打了个喷嚏, 身子瑟缩了下。

单词 sneeze 释义



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