单词 Levels 例句大全,用单词Levels造句:

Dissolved in a bath Epsom Salt is absorbed through the skin to replenish the bodys levels of magnesium.
溶解在水中, 泻盐可以直接通过皮肤提高你身体中镁的水平。
In particular, the cadres at the various levels do not have the requisite ability to command and manage.
特别是各级干部的指挥, 管理能力弱。
These words should be added before the Academy of Sciences distributes the document to the lower levels.
In the education sector, universal access has already been achieved at the primary and secondary levels.
在教育部门, 已实现初级和中级教育的普及。
Procedures on a property to have different access levels, you can use the more permissive level in the
Studies on the Effects of Different Levels of Energy on Absorption and Utilization of Yolk Sac in Gosling
National levels of technology development have traditionally been closely linked to national income levels.
High cortisol levels have also been linked to high blood pressure and weight gain in the stomach or abdomen.
Effects of Different Potassium Levels on Cr Absorbed and Physiological Characteristics of the Maize Seedlings
The ability of syllogistic reasoning correlated with the mathematical achievement and the levels of intelligence.
It was possible that the levels of violence had not decreased because the levels of punishment were insufficient.
Red Cross Societies at all levels shall participate in and promote the blood donation work in accordance with law.
各级红十字会依法参与, 推动献血工作。
The LMA award quarterly accolades aimed at recognising the work of managers at all levels of the professional game.
Determination of acetazolamide levels in rabbit aqueous humor by reverse phase?high performance liquid chromatography
abstract Objective To investigate the significance of brain natriuretic peptide levels in the diagnosis of heart failure.
Methods Serum levels of testosterone and estradiol were measured with radioimmunoassay in 42 patients with acne vulgaris.
The governments at various levels shall strengthen the management of and supervision over the treasuries at the corresponding levels.
Moreover, the deep emotional acting and surface emotional control can be used to predict the levels of teachers extrinsic satisfaction.
Accommodation units are spread on 3 upper levels, while the public activities are taking place in basement, ground floor and mezzanine.
New Curricula Standard for Senior School English requires high school students'reading ability to achieve levels from the sixth to the ninth.
Study on the Relationship Between the Displacement of the Abomasums and Plasma Progesterone in Dairy Cows after Delivery and Electrolyte Levels
What we've been finding across dozens of studies and thousands of participants across this country is that as a person's levels of wealth increase.
全国范围内的 大量研究都表明 当一个人的财富增加时
A Study of the Proper Sharing of the Expenditure on Rural Compulsory Education Among Governments at Various Levels After the Abolishment of Agricultural Taxes
Secondary in abundance are aromatic sester and sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons, but aromatic diterpenoids, most of the regular PAH are found at trace levels only.
In handling tax reductions or exemptions, all tax authorities at various levels shall implement laws and regulations impartially, and may not abuse their authority for selfish benefits.

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