单词 no return 例句大全,用单词no return造句:

Enclosed is our contract No. 345 in duplicate,of which please return us one copy, duly countersign.
If no conditionis found to be true, then the casestatement will return the value in the ELSE clause.
如果没有找到为真的条件, 条件中值。
Give with no expectation of getting something in return, and it becomes a purer, more beautiful act.
Enclosed is our contract No.812 in duplicate, of which please return us one copy, duly countersigned.
As your counteroffer is beyond what is acceptable to us, we cannot help but return to you Indent No. 443.
Does the child always shout how can collywobbles hit no less than insect to return a responsibility again
No matter oriental or Western matters, he can return to the tradition and describe the context relations.
To my girl friend, I just give, and ask for no return, just like a cow that gives milk, but eats little grass.
He refuses to return incivility from incivility, because then he would no longer be in command of his own conduct.
他不以怨报怨, 那样, 他将不再是自己行为的主宰。
Grandmother told me that she was going to rise to higher dimensions and would not return, but she showed no attachment.
祖母告诉我, 她即将要到更高的境界去, 不会再回来了。
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单词 no return 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]未恢复,未归还,无再现  [更多..]



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