单词 no goal 例句大全,用单词no goal造句:

There's no end goal in sight.
That goal is no longer attainable.
No actions should deviate from that goal.
ride in a conveyance with no particular goal.
In fact, I have no magnificent or permanent goal.
The other driver has no goal or destination or map.
另一位司机没有目标, 目的地或地图。
We should spare no effort in order to achieve that goal.
To attain the goal, you have no choice but to work hard.
要达成目标, 除了努力别无它法。
The team in the new season at defending the goal, Pierce no secret.
对于球队在新赛季志在卫冕的目标, 皮尔斯毫不隐讳。
A person who has lived five decades no aims, because there's no goal.
一个人漫无目的的生活了五十年, 是由于他对生活没有目标。
Our goal is to spare no effort to make a kind of intelligent television.
Any direction of the wind, will not ship toward the goal of no destination.
任何方向的风, 都不会把没有目标的船吹向目的地。
Replays left no doubt that it was the hand of Maradona that scored the goal.
You're as true as a compass needle, pointing to your goal no matter what happens.
The Brewers now had their and it was no surprise when a second goal followed quickly.
酿酒商立刻士气高涨, 他们迅速打入第二球并不令人意外。
Two episodes, however, is no doubt in an offside goal and the penalty that was not there.
Cool contemplation is the one that has no goal to produce an aesthetic judgment or choice.
I think there is no doubt that we shall attain the goal we have set for the end of the century.
A life of ease but no work, all play but no goal, will cause one to lose courage and determination.
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