单词 Piaget 例句大全,用单词Piaget造句:

His real interest was epistemology--the theory of knowledge--which, like physics, was considered a branch of philosophy until Piaget came along and made it a science.
Piaget was launched on a path that would lead to his doctorate in zoology and a lifelong conviction that the way to understand anything is to understand how it evolves.
Since Piaget, the territory has been widely colonized by those who write about women's ways of knowing, Afrocentric ways of knowing, even the computer's ways of knowing.
Piaget explored a kind of epistemological relativism in which multiple ways of knowing are acknowledged and examined nonjudgmentally, yet with a philosopher's analytic rigor.

单词 Piaget 释义

  • 单词释义:伯爵表;[姓氏]皮亚杰  [更多..]



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