单词 plate out 例句大全,用单词plate out造句:

He flattened out the bent plate.
That plate should be broadened out.
No plate fractured, and no screw cut out.
He stretched out his hand and caught the falling plate.
The application of a distensible plate in running out the rope
I put it on my plate, wiped my hand on my chest and held it out.
我把它放在我的碟子, 擦了在我的胸上我手而且拿著出它。
That was when a huge plate crashed on his head and knocked him out.
Expo plate and triple play line of the stock will break out blowout!
And a plate comes up, holds your battery, takes it out, puts it back in.
Low Beam, Parking Light, Brake Light, Fog Light or License Plate Light Out
Had I not eaten the plate of greens, Granny would not allow me out again.
At that moment the door opened and a plate flew out and crashed into a tree.
You'd better to spit out the seeds in your palm, and then them on the plate.
你应该把子吐在手上, 然后再放到盘子里。
Just had used Yahoo! s English translation, does not know plate out of true
The counterman opened the oven and took out the hot slice and served paper plate.
Sitting out in a double seat opposite her, to a barbecue plate, a bottle of liquor.
于得明坐在了双姐的座位对面, 要了盘烧烤, 一瓶白酒。
By plate will protrude Kok two bread together equidistance out Shencao, brush finishes.
用板材将凸角的两面包起来, 等距离挖出深槽, 刷墙漆。
It seems as though Ill have to install a new plate, but made out of chrome this time.
Amid a stream of blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate fell out of his mouth.
在鲜血和口水中, 他的嘴里掉出来打成两半的一排假牙。
I prefer to squirt the glue on a disposable plate rather than use it straight out of the tube.
我喜欢喷在一次性盘子的胶水, 而不是用它直接出管。
But it turns out to be illegal to print a child's drawing of Micky Mouse onto a plate of sugar.
但把一副孩子画的 米老鼠画成一幅的糖画 是非法的。
Rotary's die cutting tool like printing plate cylinder, vertical alignment adjustment can be carried out.
圆压圆的模切刀像印版滚筒不同, 可以举动纵向套准调度。
In the Federation of the Phonographic Industry in recession and the threat of piracy is still out red plate!
Norton drops his cigarette. Crushes it out with the toe of his shoe. Glances up toward the plate shop roof as
After that, the mice were beheaded and the brains were taken out on the ice plate, the olfactory bulb and cerebellum were thrown away.
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