单词 Kossa 例句大全,用单词Kossa造句:

In the echelon war, Kossa has not lost the attacker finally.
Kossa must make the adjustment to this competition's main force lineup.
In the sea prosperous team, Kossa has the absolute authority, in the personnel aspect is so.
在海昌队内, 科萨有绝对的权威, 在用人方面更是如此。
Kossa is probably thought that Dong Fangzhuo now and the team coordinates, has not been able to fit together snugly or perfectly.
科萨大概是觉得, 董方卓现在和球队配合, 还不能严丝合缝。

单词 Kossa 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] 科萨;[地名] [喀麦隆、毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔] 科萨  [更多..]



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