单词 in praise of 例句大全,用单词in praise of造句:

American reviewers are lavish in their praise of this book.
Shakespeare's achievement in literature in worthy of great praise.
Classical techniques have been adapted in these dances in praise of labor.
Classical techniques have been adapted in these dances in praise of labour.
I persist in this faith, and this faith is a praise and admiration to the vitality of life.
In the name of Allah, the Greatest, praise to Allah for my presence in the religion of Islam.
And even becoming a part of poetry, or hidden their feelings in scenery, or praise things and show ambition.
粟甚至成为诗歌创作的一部分, 或寓情于景或咏物明志。
I have achieved excellent results in three consecutive technology competitions, and won the praise of our teacher.
The dance was to praise the achievements of Emperor Shun in carrying on and developing the heritage of Emperor Yao.
Spreading its angelic wings, the Bird of Paradise is poised to soar to the heights in joyful praise of the coming of the Lord.
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单词 in praise of 释义



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