单词 illegal activities 例句大全,用单词illegal activities造句:

These law enforcement experts who watch all these illegal activities are known as trackers.
Therefore, all illegal activities involving drugs must be strictly prohibited and eliminated.
因此, 对一切毒品违法犯罪活动必须严加禁绝。
Crack Down on Illegal Activities in the Field of Academy and Strengthen the Editors of Journals
A federal whistleblower law protects employees who disclose their employers illegal activities.
The Philippines reported on national initiatives to combat illegal logging and related activities.
At the same time, the illegal activities related to medical apparatus and instruments become more and more.
Some illegal fishing has also been associated with syndicates of criminal groups and other illicit activities.
D Take proactive measures to attack the sources of triad income, including illegal debt collection activities.
Priority should be given to combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities on the high seas.
Unauthorized nongovernment financial services and other illegal activities were banned in accordance with the law.
Strengthening Strict Law Enforcement, Ensuring Practical Results of Cracking Down on Illegal and Criminal Activities
Discussion on the Cognizance of the Illegal Activities of Manufacturing and selling Counterfeiting and Substandard Drugs
浅谈生产, 销售假药, 劣药违法行为的认定
We must severely crack down on tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering, smuggling and other illegal and criminal activities.
严厉打击偷逃骗税, 洗钱和走私等违法犯罪活动。
The state shall severely punish those committing illegal activities and criminal offenses breaking the firearm control regulations.
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