单词 image space 例句大全,用单词image space造句:

The differences between objective space properties and image space properties are discussed.
Direct proof that electric image method can be used in angular space conductor and a point charge
Then generalize it to the algorithm for digital image scrambling encryption in the position space.
Solution of Space Electric Field Surrounding Two Common Centre Spheres by the Electric Image Method
The creation of crescent is proved to be a space variable process, and the pupil image and the cor.
Pattern design makes visual image design, multime dia design, space design and home design integrate.
化学概念是以命题, 表象, 产生式和图式等方式表征的。
Automatic profile extraction based on object space image matching and probability relaxation algorithm
Image detection technology of the surface defects of laminate flooring is still a blank space in China.
A method to detect target in astronomical image has been designed and implemented based on space domain.
Similar to public architecture, industrial architecture in essence is also the modeling of space and image.
工业建筑和公共建筑一样, 本质都是空间和形象的塑造。
Different kind space cameras use different image motion compensation methods and drift angle controls, respectively.
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