单词 irrigation network 例句大全,用单词irrigation network造句:

a crisscross network of irrigation channels
Now, the paper adopts a fuzzy control system for the irrigation network.
All the production teams joined up to improve the irrigation network of the commune.
The village decided to connect all irrigation ditches and build a network of waterways.
村里决定将各条沟渠连通, 实现河网化。
Since it is difficult to model an accurate irrigation network system, its lag takes place severely.
由于喷灌灌网系统难以准确建模, 系统时滞严重。
Automatic Monitoring System for Water Flow in Channelling Yellow River into Irrigation Canal Network
A Mathematical Model for Dispatching Flow and Sediment in Irrigation Canal Network of the Yellow River
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单词 irrigation network 释义

  • 单词释义:灌溉渠网,灌溉网  [更多..]



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