单词 Marieş 例句大全,用单词Marieş造句:

Marie thought the conversation was drifting away from the original topic.
Ten minutes later, Tom puts the lasagna in the oven. Rob and Marie arrive.
十分钟后, 汤姆将千层面放进烤箱内, 这时罗勃和玛丽到了。
She was always sending Emil over to spade or plant or carpenter for marie.
她常常打发爱弥儿过去帮玛丽锄草, 种树或做家俱。
On the train, crowded with weekenders, he found himself thinking of Marie.
At last came the day when Marie Curie was almost at the end of her efforts.
这一天终于来临了,玛丽 居里的努力快见成效了!
Calm and relaxed, Marie comes in vibrant shades of Kakadu Red Satin crystal.
Had eaten dinner, williams and Marie are pulling a hand, walk out of a door.
A few months later his wife, Marie Antoinette, also had her head chopped off.
When he came home, Marie and little Irene met him at the door of the apartment.
当他回到家时, 玛丽和小埃莉尼正在公寓的门口迎接他。
Marie pinned in the convent for a year, until her eighteenth birthday was passed.
Marie Curie was given two Nobel Prizes in honor of her research in radioactivity.
Another of the authors supplied Marie with the uranium with which she experimented.
marie well, i m going to finish feeding abby. i ll let you know when dinner s ready.
This great honor had been awarded to Pierre and Marie by the Royal Society of London.
Chess enthusiast exclamations, Marie can of the kongfu that kill a chess compares Gu Li.
Marie Curie took little notice of the honours that were given to her in her later years.
The brooch and tiara belonging to Queen Marie of Romania were wellknown and are absolutely gorgeous.
Marie could not take it any more, bringing her five children back to Belgium and settled down in Gent.
MARIE SLIM BROWNING You know how to whistle, dont you, Steve You just put your lips together and blow.
Marie Curie is not hypocritical things like marriage only the concern and preparation, when a chair.
Christine Leachs baby, Ashton Marie, wasnt conceived naturally or by traditional in vitro fertilization.
Marie Arana is the author of the memoir American Chica, as well as two novels, Cellophane and Lima Nights.
His wife, Marie Ann Paulze, was an intelligent, cultured woman with a passion for chemistry that matched here husband.
他的妻子玛丽聪明而又教养, 对化学的热情不亚于其夫。
Voodoo is alive and well in New Orleans and the tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie LaVeau is supposedly located in the Glapion family crypt in Louis 1.
This week in Kenner, La., J'Marie Moore, 39, the daughter of former light-heavyweight champ Archie Moore, will box on the first all-women's card to be shown live over the Internet.

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