单词 public offer 例句大全,用单词public offer造句:

Announces Results of Placing and Public Offer
I'd like to offer an idea for public consideration.
In the public auction, he had to offer buyers a month.
在公开拍卖之前, 他给了买家一个月的时间出价。
Do you offer your seat to the aged on a public vehicle?
在公交车上, 你会给老年人让座吗?
Rupert Murdochs offer to buy Dow Jones became public in May.
Rupert Murdoch's offer to buy Dow Jones became public in May.
Certainly. We offer many kinds of loan services to the public.
To offer a platform for parent to become aware of public affairs.
The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern amenities.
These institutions are able to offer the Global Lens series to the general public, as well.
这些机构能够提供一系列全球镜头向广大公众, 以及。
An Analysis of the Character of Criminal Public Offer of Reward and its Legal Consideration
For the establishment of a company through public offer, prospectus shall also be submitted.
以募集方式设立公司的, 申请人还须提交招股说明书。
The Government has already mailed some 18 million households with details of the public offer.
Current, this sends Cong Mou of bloodguilty of post offer a reward to already was detained by public security on the net.
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