单词 processing fee 例句大全,用单词processing fee造句:

There is no processing fee for an appeal.
The visa processing fee is nonrefundable.
In the first photo processing center. 40 yuan fee!
Post Remittance Warrant of Application Processing Fee.
In order to encourage your participation, there is no processing fee for this pilot test.
为了鼓励考生参加, 此次预试免收代办费。
The Company shall be entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing of data access request.
In the case of small orders up to75 EURO, Mentor reserves the right to levy a processing fee of10 EURO.
Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting order for processing of supply material.
Financing interest rate, processing fee rate, and the total cost expressed as an annual percentage rate.
On the other hand, some authors would probably be prepared to pay such a processing fee for Open Access.
当然, 有些作者可能愿意支付这样的开放近用处理费。
The guest should requested to remit the postal fee before processing the mail and charge from guests credit card.
在邮寄前, 客人可要求免付现金, 可用信用卡付帐。
Payment of the processing fee and shipping expenses shall be made by irrevocable letter of credit to be opened by you.
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