单词 put to it 例句大全,用单词put to it造句:

It also advises diners to put a toilet roll in the freezer when they get home.
It is time to take the advice of and to put special phasis on the improvent of
It's not polite to say this but I think Ann put on a bit of weight, hasn't she?
He advised me to put the digital camera in a dry cabinet when I am not using it.
Trial and error revealed that it was best to put in the amide before the epoxide.
尝试和误差法表明, 最好在环氧化之前引进酰胺基。
It is important to choose a model which can be easily and accurately put into code.
Eg Libretto for the seven basic words, actors recite lyrics, and to put it plainly.
The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.
I d like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.
After he handed in the report, he had several afterthoughts that were too late to put in it.
The ancient towering tree is so thick that it takes fives people to put their arms around it.
So if somebody is going to fly, put him in a pod, springload it, and fling him across the city.
And when you have seen it, you will be put to rest with your people, as your brother Aaron was.
It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.
After load observer put into use, it has a good actual results to suppress the mill stand vibration.
Above all, put almond in boiler to boil, it is OK to boil almond skin till the denude of small suggestion comes.
But I want to put a caveat on my argument, and that caveat is that it is not true that aid is always destructive.
但是我想补充说明一点 援助并不都是破坏性的
If it is going to be accelerated uphill then at least I know one thing which I am going to put in this drawing now.
How to handle with breakage and leakage of packing Collect the spillage and put it to sealed airtight bags in time.
Then they are to wrap it and all its accessories in a covering of hides of sea cows and put it on a carrying frame.
It takes a commitment though from school boards, administrators and teachers to put something like this into practice.
学校董事, 管理者和教师承诺把这些付诸实践。
Based on actual business situation, it intends to put forward some Carrier aftermarket service innovation for development strategies.
结合业务实际情况, 提出售后服务创新的开利空调发展战略。
You will be required to put our advert on all visable content of your site. We will give you our advert code and you are required to put it.
He went from being a straight-A student to losing his scholarship and being put on academic probation in only one year. It must be the crowd he hangs out with now.
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