单词 Oval Office 例句大全,用单词Oval Office造句:

the Oval Office
SCENEThe Oval Office. George Bush and Condo lezza Rice.
椭圆形办公室, 乔治布什和国家安全顾问康多里扎赖斯。
Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react.
Bush plans to deliver a speech from the Oval Office tomorrow.
And I invite her every morning into the Oval Office to stay for a while.
No new agreements were announced after Oval Office negotiations and a working lunch.
在总统办公室会谈和工作午餐之后, 没有新的声明发表。
We were in the Oval Office, nearly 40 minutes into a conversation about the subject of their marriage.
我们坐在总统办公室, 花了将近40分钟聊他们的婚姻。
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单词 Oval Office 释义

  • 单词释义:美国总统办公室  [更多..]



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