单词 order size 例句大全,用单词order size造句:

Rule21 Prefix variables in order to determine their type and their size.
Please let us know about the order size ASAP if you wish to accept our offer.
Once an order reaches a flat rate box size, there may be additional discounts.
一旦订单达到划一框的大小, 可能会有额外的折扣。
To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability.
履行象你们如许一个巨年夜的订货, 超出了我们的财务本领。
The SAFEHIP? size chart identifies which product to order based on the hip size.
He ordered his secretary an order for 100 books and arrange them in order of size.
He ordered his secretary to order for 100 books and arrange them in order of size.
But weather, distance, special requirements and order size may affect delivery time.
但是天气, 距离, 特别要求及所定数量可能影响递送时间。
Chang 8 is typical delta deposit which has reverse grain size order in ascending order.
Custom size for above PVA Sponge Wiperblock can be arranged with reasonable order quantity.
Any other sheet size can be offered exmill from cutter reels with a minimum order of 3 tons.
A new method of higher order cumulant based adaptive spectral line enhancement with variable step size.
Due to the companies poor performance, the boss had to reduce the size of staff in order to reduce costs.
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