单词 life support 例句大全,用单词life support造句:

Nitrogen is inert and will not support combustion however, it is not life supporting.
I am sustained by letters of support and what people say to me in ordinary daily life.
I'm put on full life support, and I have a massive stroke, and my brain drops into a coma.
我被接上呼吸机 有严重中风 大脑陷入昏迷
Bread is an instrument, as a means to the satisfaction of hunger and to the support of life.
面包也是一种手段, 靠它来充饥和维持生命。
My cousin died, aged 59, within four minutes of her life support machine being switched off.
My cousin died, aged 61, within four minutes of her life support machine being switched off.
Application of Virtual Human Technology to Environmental Control and Life Support System Layout
Selection of Light Source Used for Plant Cultivation in Controlled Ecological Life Support System
Canonical correlation analysis on social support and quality of life among migrant workers in Guiyang
The Economic Support to the New Fourth Army by People from all Walks of Life at Both Home and Abroad.
Also draws support from the condition assurance which adds water, has understood clearly the life connotation.
也借助对水的性态把握, 洞悉生命的内涵。
The Investigation and Analysis of Life Quality and Social Support of the Renal Transplantation Patients from Related Donor.
Expand humane universal love, enjoy the one blue sky together, support a poverty to help to trap, the human life genuine feeling.
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