单词 Li Lei 例句大全,用单词Li Lei造句:

I went to the bookshop yesterday. So did Li Lei.
我昨天去了书店, 李雷也去了。
Hello, I'm Li Lei. I'd like to change my flight.
Uncle Wang is going to help Li Lei mend his bike.
How many people are there in your family, Li Lei ?
Please remember to give the bicycle back to Li Lei.
Many young people like it. Li Lei is very at football.
The girl in the hat must be Li Lei's sister, isn't she?
戴着帽子的那个女孩准是李雷的姐姐, 对不对?
Brad and Li Lei are talking about their May Day holidays.
I to go swimming but Li Lei persuaded me to play football.
我想去游泳, 可李雷劝我, 我去踢足球了。
You ran so fast which Li Lei don't grab up dawn you, don't you ?
Lily and Li Lei are drinking coffee and talking at a coffee shop.
Han Meimei is now is debt to Li Lei for more than one hundred yuan.
Look, Li Lei!Who's that girl in a light blue dress and white boots ?
你瞧, 李雷!那个穿浅蓝色连衣裙和白靴子的女孩是谁?
Li Lei was the first student to come into the classroom this morning.
Middle School. Li Lei and Lin Tao are his good friends. Polly is his bird.
Li LEI Its half past ten now! Wheres Jim Im beginning to get angry with him!
Li Lei, please collect all the exercises after class and take them to my office.
李蕾, 下课收练习本, 送到我办公室。
Li Lei thinks, of sea boat group this trade to also have a painful topic probably.
During the break, Li Lei happened to see Pauls mark on the report of a chemistry experiment.
在课间休息时, 李雷碰巧看到保尔化学实验报告的成绩。
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