单词 lower surface 例句大全,用单词lower surface造句:

And the unconformable contaet face is lower sliding surface.
Max. Distance between lower surface of slide and surface of table
Distance between surface of worktable and lower surface of the ram guide
The higher the surface electron density is,the lower the surface energy is.
Spectrophotometric Determination of tin in the lower surface of float glass
An annular vent slot is arranged on the lower surface of the inflatable ring.
The film on the lower surface can be bent upwards along the edges of the plate.
High temperature of roll surface cause burning phenomenon and lower the hardness of roll surface.
The wind guide cone is fixed at the lower surface of the plane frame through the fastening piece.
In restoration, the Maximum stress laid the surface of dental restoration and decreased at lower place.
在修复体内, 最大应力值位于修复体表面, 越往下应力值越小。
Field evaporation potential in sprinkler irrigation field was greatly lower than that in surface irrigation field.
Demolition blasting technology for lower height of gravity center, larger supporting surface and mortar rubble structure
An air outlet of the reaction chamber is arranged at the lower part at the higher side of the bottom surface of the inner line.
Rough fracture surface is of characteristics of fractal and can be considered as congruence of the upper and lower fracture surfaces.
岩体裂隙面是粗糙不平的, 具有分形特征。
In order to conveniently place the paper and the sketch clamp device, the lower cover is horizontally provided with a gripping surface.
为方便放置纸张和夹稿器, 下盖有水平夹持面。
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单词 lower surface 释义

  • 单词释义:[医] 下面,下表面(叶)  [更多..]



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