单词 lung abscess 例句大全,用单词lung abscess造句:

Before too long my lung abscess healed up.
A giant abscess was detected in the upper lobe of the right lung.
Seen here in the right middle lung lobe is jus such a chronic abscess.
Most people with lung abscess will be found to have periodontal disease.
This is a fungal abscess of the lung. Note the yellow tan material abscess.
肺曲霉菌脓肿标本, 可见脓肿得黄褐色物质。
Bronchoalveolar lavage for treatment of37 patients with primary lung abscess
The white arrows mark areas of abscess formation in the upper lobe of this lung.
In lung abscess, percutaneous drainage can result in pleural seeding and possibly empyema.
在肺脓疡, 经皮引流可导致肋膜转移, 并可能脓胸。
Other causes of unconsciousness predisposing to aspiration lung abscess are convulsive seizures.
Lung abscess is a suppurative infection of the lung resulting in destruction of lung parenchyma.
肺脓肿是肺部得一种化脓性感染, 导致肺实质得破坏。
Effect of treatment using broncho alveolar lavage by bronchofiberoscope combined with drug injection through lung conduit on 28 lung abscess patients
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