单词 mold time 例句大全,用单词mold time造句:

If you can, please use the same switch case mold as the last time.
About the mold charge we discussed last time have already calculated.
Cherish life and treasure time! For time is the material to mold life.
Different time have different concepts on precision or high precision mold.
At the same time as we are with many manufacturers supply contained with mold.
Effect of curing time in mold on the properties of low cement corundum castable
In grid casting operations, mold spray application involves time when no grids are produced.
在板栅铸造过程中, 给模具喷涂也占用时间, 其间不生产板栅。
There is foreign particle in die cavity and the mold protection pressure exceeds the reset time.
当模腔内有异物, 低压模保超过设定时间时。
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