单词 mug up 例句大全,用单词mug up造句:

He picked up his mug and blew off the steam.
I'll mug up the laws on this subject before I advise my friends.
I must mug up some formulas if I am to take the examination next week.
如果下星期我要参加考试的话, 我就必须熟记一些公式。
I've Latin to take for the examination, I suppose I must mug it up somehow.
我要考拉丁文了, 我想我得临时抱一下佛脚了。
The students boiled the midnight oil in order to mug up those facts and numbers.
Many of us depend on a mug of freshly brewed coffee to perk us up in the mornings.
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单词 mug up 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>考前赶(功课)  [更多..]



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