单词 red onion 例句大全,用单词red onion造句:

Red Onion and Coriander Salsa
Practice Onion is red. Onion is red and crunchy.
Add the chopped salmon and chopped red onion, combine gently.
加入三文鱼碎和红洋?碎, 慢慢拌匀。
Heat some vegetable oil in a wok and add the chopped red onion.
Garlic, Fresh Ginger, Peanut, Red kidney beans, Onion, Dried ging.
巴基斯坦公司求购大蒜, 新鲜生姜, 花生, 红芸豆
Toss red leaf lettuce, orange slices, and red onion slices in large bowl.
The ketchup, red and decadent, embedded with little flecks of grated onion.
Practice original sentences and the pattern Onion is red. Onion is red and crunchy.
Pour away excess water. Pour over seasoning mix. Garnish with shredded green onion and red chili.
倒去多馀水份, 淋上调味料, 饰以葱丝及红辣椒。
Sauteed Artisan Duck Foie Gras with zante grapes, red torpedo onion, fennel and star anise reduction.
另一份是煎鸭润糜羔搭希腊葡萄, 红洋葱, 莳萝及八角茴香晶。
Heat3 tbsp oil. Saute onion, minced garlic, green onions, red chilies and curry powder until fragrant.
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单词 red onion 释义



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