单词 regression analysis 例句大全,用单词regression analysis造句:

The morbidity of chronic diabetic complication with logistic regression analysis of related potential risk factors
Multivariate regression analysis of the clinical correlation between plasma viscosity and erythrocyte sedimentation.
Analysis on characteristics of load and deformation at outer fulcrum of diaphragm springs with multinomial regression
Regression analysis of measuring the electromotive force of temperature differences using potential difference meters
Polytomous logistic regression analysis of the family influencing factors among sick infants with rotavirus enteritis
Regression Analysis between Discharge and Suspended Sediment Discharge at the Nanning Gauging Station of Yujiang River
The decomposition of effects of factorial experiment and orthogonal polynomial regression analysis of response surface
The relationship between the speed and main dimension of aircraft carriers were studied with the regression analysis method.
Regression and Analysis for Attenuation Parameters of Blasting Seismic Wave in Negative Digging at Tianwan Nuclear Power Station
Analysis on the Influential Factors for the Quality of Life of Patients with Gastric Carcinoma by Cumulative Odds Logistic Regression
Spatial variability of iron in a tobacco field by micro sampling scale in relation to tobacco leaf iron by correlation and regression analysis
An equation of the relationship between the variation of curvature mode, damage position and damage degree of the single sample is obtained by making regression analysis on the experimental data, which can be used to detect the real single damage accurately and easily.
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