单词 ring a bell 例句大全,用单词ring a bell造句:

I cant remember anyone of that name and yet somehow it seems to ring a bell.
One person in the family will ring a bell call everyone to come to the room.
圣诞宴是一次重要的家庭聚会, 席上满是美酒佳肴。
Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings.
However, more or less does this mutiny also give A Luoyao government ring alarm bell noisy.
然而, 这场兵变多少也给阿罗约政府敲响了警钟。
Suppose I were to be seized of a sudden in some dreadful way, and not able to ring the bell!
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单词 ring a bell 释义

  • 单词释义:听起来熟悉;(心里)有印象  [更多..]



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