单词 separation system 例句大全,用单词separation system造句:

Overseas and Extraterritorial Judicial Separation System how to perfect Chinese judicial separation system
国外,域外别居制度比较 再谈我国别居制度的完善
Influence of the Third Component on Separation of Concentrated LiquidLiquid System in Inclined Plate Settler.
Application of computer monitor system in monitoring dense medium coal separation process of laowuji washery.
Separation of Zinc by Sodium ChlorideAmmonium ThiocyanateHexadocyltrimethylammonium Bromide Floatation System.
The membrane separation system has advantages of simple operation, small area and obvious economic efficiency.
膜分离系统操作简单, 占地少, 经济效益明显。
Development of the two chromatographic columns switching system and its application in the separation of chiral drugs
The nature of the bonded phase is an important parameter for determining the separation properties of the chromatographic system.
It is no more than a system of multiparty elections, separation of judicial, executive and legislative powers and a bicameral legislature.
无非是多党竞选, 三权鼎立, 两院制。
According to our politics teacher, the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers is the basic political system of capitalist countries.
Third, we should promote the separation of the functions of the government from those of the enterprises, improve the supervisory system and consolidate and improve the leadership of enterprises.
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