单词 standard manual 例句大全,用单词standard manual造句:

Standard export packaging, export Manual, welcomed the peer Nahuo.
Therefore, a discrepancy is any nonconformance to a standard published in this manual.
因此, 任何一个不符合手册规定的标准项目就是一个缺陷。
The acid storage cabinets have 2 manual closing doors and at least 3 shelves as standard.
This actuator is used only on models equipped with the standard manual temperature control system.
At the least, a true enthusiast would forgo the 1, 000 transmission for the standard fivespeed manual.
至少, 一个真正的发烧友将放弃1000美元传输标准五速手动。
Heavy manual labour is still strenuous, and it is essential to improve the standard of living of workers.
现在搞重体力劳动还很艰苦, 不搞好职工生活不行。
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