单词 program state 例句大全,用单词program state造句:

As threads fail, program state gradually becomes corrupted.
当线程失败时, 程序状态将逐渐变为损坏。
You can then use the debugger windows to examine your program state.
The state has also set up a medical subsidy program for civil servants.
So, I wrote the program to detect if I have visited a cube state already.
I will stay at the San Jose State University to attend a Training Program.
在美期间, 我们将在圣荷西州立大学参加培训。
Sanitation program not in writing but premises in acceptable state of cleanliness.
But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace.
You can then look at the state of your program during the moments leading up to the access violation.
the Program on Performing Official Duties in Accordance with the Law promulgated by the State Council
Object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged.
Recently, the Anshan Steel restructuring program has been submitted to the State Council Panzhihua pending.
The State Department combined serval several programs stating dating to the coldful Cold War into the current program in 1998.
The State Program on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development creates broad opportunities for improvement of women entrepreneurship.
Hee is in Montgomery Blair' s 400-student magnet science program, which boasts two state-of-the-art computer labs, Internet access and teachers who have been trained in the latest technology.
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