单词 to die for 例句大全,用单词to die for造句:

How appropriate for you to die in this elevator.
But I assure you, the next course is to die for.
She deserved to die for attempted treason in the war.
她在战争中企图通敌, 死有余辜。
For a room to store sunshine and love, I would rather die.
我宁可倾尘世所有, 为一间储存阳光, 爱的屋子。
But heres the snag for the artist he has to die before he wins.
Rudolph ate silently, waiting for the spate of approval to die down.
I don't know who wants to be the last person to die for Afghanistan.
You know, when I was waiting for the ambulance the other day, I felt like I was going to die.
知道么 那天在我等救护车的时候 我真地以为自己会死。
The utility model relates to a grooving and a tapering die sets for slit steel tube friction anchor rod.
For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.
and putting the rough blank after annealing to a second steel die for forging pressing and shaping to obtain the suspension clamp.
For the love of god, stop sending me these annoying chain letters. Do you honestly think a loved one is going to die if you don’t fwd this message?
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