单词 in front of 例句大全,用单词in front of造句:

A rug in front of a fireplace
Then Moses and Aaron fell facedown in front of the whole Israelite assembly there.
Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake.
As the Lord commanded Moses, Aaron put the manna in front of the Testimony, that it might be kept.
耶和华怎麽吩咐摩西, 亚伦就怎麽行, 把吗哪放在法柜前存留。
Look, it's the abandoned bike from in front of the shop.
看 这是店前面那辆自行车。
Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.
In front of after the technique the technique nurses, with the abdomen surgery to have differently.
I envy her ability to dance in front of a crowd.
When her tram clanked to a halt in front of her, Maggie climbed aboard and went upstairs.
Some video guy in front of me is actually dancing to the abominable jazz theyre pumping in here.
King Sihanouk had ever said In front of me, Hun Sen is only a sucking junior, but he is absolutely a practical person.
在本国现在的领导人中, 只有洪森才是真正的政坛强人。
Two glasses of water, believed to absorb evil spirits, were placed in front of him.
他面前还放着两杯水, 就说是用来吸走邪灵的灵魂的。
You'll find it! There is an abuilding tower just in front of the main entrance.
I were so shocked when he flare notd up in front of eVery abundance one.
他在大部分人面前大发雷霆的时间, 我真是吓坏了。
The car accident happened right in front of my eyes. I was scared out of my wits.
Young can, after all, be deployed as a secondary striker, a difficult and elusive opponent, finding space, accomplished in front of goal.
杨还可以打二前锋的位置, 他可以发现空当完成进球。
This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.
The back star beat Sudan 2 nil in front of an enthusiastic crowd in the capital Accra.
He object of the verb with that word in front of the body followed by accusative particle.
If a man wants to achieve what he wishes, Read the five sutras in front of the window.
男儿欲遂平生志, 五经勤向窗前读。
The researchers placed in front of the first task is to achieve neuron simulation.
The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.
李光头精明外向, 随机应变, 在现实面前左右逢源。
I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of everyone.
我现在承认我错了, 并准备在大家面前公开认错。
Then again, is about the acquisition mentioned in front of asas possible reasons for the link.
Now, in front of the Seigneurs palace there was a great lake of more than twelve thousand acres.
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单词 in front of 释义

  • 单词释义:在…前面;当着…的面;面前  [更多..]



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