单词 from then on 例句大全,用单词from then on造句:

From then on he abstained from alcohol.
Emperor Zhu accepted Empress Mas suggestions and ordered the people to hang Happiness upside down from then on.
朱元璋觉得有道理, 就下令以后的福字都倒着贴。
It also affects books about genealogy and surname from then on.
后世的谱牒, 姓氏之书亦受到世本的影响。
From then on our commune could afford to buy large agricultural machinery.
从那以后, 我们公社就有条件购买大型农业机械了。
As you set foot on the railway platform to walk alone from then on
From then on,it has alternated years with the World Championships.
From then on, his name is Cowboy Andy.
From then on,she never took another life or ate another mouthful of animal flesh.
Anyway, from then on I stated to travel.
总之, 之后我就开始到处去。
From then on,there appeared to be only one winner as United pushed on.
From then on, Manchurian appeared on the horizontal board of Forbidden City.
从此, 紫禁城的匾额上出现了满文。
From then on, the application can be started from the desktop like any other local application without the need to run in a browser.
It can help me to appreciate all of you, and I love standing from then on.
From then on, electrotone side can always see his assiduous practice figure.
从那以后, 电子琴旁总能看到他刻苦练习的身影。
From then on, Diao never ate another piece of meat.
From then on,Pallas become the protect goddess of the city Athens.
From then on, Ndiaye every day to plow the land, plow plow it!
从此, 阿耶天天去犁大地, 犁呀犁!
From then on, without backer, the cirrus had to creep on ground and struggle for life.
Morrison took the news badly and from then on his spirits noticeably sagged.
Wear fragrant difference of bag from then on, in folk to prevail.
From then on the bat always comes out at night.
From then on, we became good friends.
From then on we raised our heads and became our own masters.
从此, 我们抬起头来当家做了主人。
From then on,I became a thrall to horror beyond recall.
From then on he began to learn Russian.
从那时起, 他开始学俄语。
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单词 from then on 释义



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