单词 in the morning 例句大全,用单词in the morning造句:

Aah. Let's talk about it in the morning. I've got to get some sleep.
噢, 我们明天早晨再说这件事吧。我得睡一会儿了。
Khanna was abducted in the morning of 19 th when he was taking a bus to office.
The evoke ability makes a return appearance in the Morningtide set.
The accident must have happened at about 11 o clock in the morning.
I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish.
早晨走进办公室时, 我隐约地知道自己想要做成什么事。
Unconsciously, i accustom myself to have a coffee in the morning, and drink some milk in the evening.
Get up in the morning acid of lumbar acerbity backache, shoulder, have a headache?
In the morning the house was a hive of activity.
All of the actors arrived early in the morning to practice the program once more.
所有的演员为将节目再排练一次, 一大早都来了。
Get up to drink honey to add vinegar in the morning
Additionally, the sounds of birds chirping in the morning can provide a great natural alarm clock.
Blood pressure was examined by fixed person at fixed time in the morning, the average values of the results of three times were adopted.
I adore drinking from goblets. First thing in the morning.
Many older adults tend to get sleepier earlier in the evening and awaken earlier in the morning.
The advantage of leaving early in the morning is that you will avoid the traffic jam.
I noticed those you advertised a job in the morning's paper.
I come here to apply for the vacancy advertised in the morning newspaper yesterday.
The teacher often advises us to read English in the morning.
In the morning of that day, I went out for some affair, finding there were few people on main streets.
This divine afflatus comes in the morning when one has had a good sleep with sweet dreams and wakes up by himself.
The following day in the morning, all as usual, the affray yesterday ases if to had not happened at all.
第二天早晨, 一切如常, 昨天的吵架仿佛根本没发生过。
in the morning/ afternoon
在上午/ 下午
It was sunny in the morning, but the weather changed in the afternoon.
Cloudy in the morning, overcast in the afternoon.
Windy in the morning, and cloudy in the afternoon.
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