单词 Journey to the West 例句大全,用单词Journey to the West造句:

Dissemination and Acceptance of the Text of Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty
The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures.
The title of Chapter 61 of Journey to the West is"Sun Wukong's three time acquiring of the palm-leaf fan."
Aesthetic Value and Buddhist Implications of the Pig in the Journey to the West
There is a performance named"The Journey to the West pinghua" this afternoon in Haidian theater.
His movie comments amusingly on characters in Journey to the West.
On the Artistic Characteristics of Western Flower Arrangement Style Journey to the West.
In Journey to the West, Bodhisattva Kwan-yin threw the lotus flower shaped seat to Hong Haier to catch him.
A Brief History of the Edition Study on Journey to the West
In one word, Journey to the West takes cultivating hearts as its essential point, and is a book of turning Buddha.
总之, 西游记以修心为要, 乃一成佛之书。
Development of Buddhism and Spread of the Story of the Journey to the West
Buddhistic Interpretation of the Creation of the Monkey in the Record of A Journey to the West
Changeful Description and Purport of Journey to the West
When Zhou Xinfang was in Shanghai, he had performed many dramas in chapter such as Journey to the West.
Women images in man power civilization from The Journey to the West
The novel Continuation of Journey to The West came earlier over100 years than Record of A Journey to The West.
With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures.
A journey to the West is highly praised by critics of literature.
A Cultural Interpretation of the Image of Ox Demon King in Journey to the West
Journey to the West and Taoist Culture
It was said that the writer of Journey to the West was Qiu Chuji the originator of Quanzhen denomination.
This stour describes two characters from journey to the West.
In the Journey to the West, a Chinese novel, the ginseng disappears the moment it falls off the tree and hits the ground.
西游记里说, 人参果堕地就会消失不见。
On the draft of Journey to the West by a Taoist priest in the Yuan Dynasty
A Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en and The Stories Before the Book
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单词 Journey to the West 释义

  • 单词释义:西游记,作者吴承恩  [更多..]



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