单词 end up 例句大全,用单词end up造句:

At the end of that, I end up with programs that are absolutely perfect at sorting numbers.
结束时,我得到 绝对完美地分类资料的程式。
Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend upon concrete classes.
要依赖抽象, 不要依赖具体类。
Either way, you might end up having to accept an approximate solution.
不管哪种情况, 最终都会以得到近似拟合而结束。
However, you end up spending a lot of money to try to eke out acceptable performance.
Acceptance of that view would also end up in a mess.
如果接受这种估计, 结果也会搞乱。
You can end up spending a lot of money on your specialized bike clothes and accessories.
An accountancy undergraduate would end up being an accountant.
Most people who actively diet usually end up piling weight back on when they stop the diet.
Too many ads that try not to go over the head end up beneath his notice.
Google might end up not pursuing a bid, the person added.
The administrator has the ability to send up to three autoreminders per reservation.
Otherwise, an admirable system may end up teaching the wrong things!
不然的话, 一个极好的制度很可能到头来教授错误的东西!
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Not get in fights, carry weapons, or end up in jail as adults.
不打架, 携带武器, 或在成年时进监狱。
If you don't take my advice, you will end up behind bars.
For some personal affair, suspend update this blog, will inform when republish.
由于个人事务, 本空间日志暂停更新, 何时更新, 另行通知。
The whole affair may end up looking like the Paris peace conference that followed the First World War.
The other995 visitors end up as lost visitors, of no value to the affiliate.
You end up in Thabo Mbeki South Africa.
Some also end up in Bulgaria yield, and the specialized agencies to provide guarantees.
The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.
This week the Federal Reserve agreed to lend up to eightyfive billion dollars to the nations largest insurance company.
If you can find agreement this could end up being one of the stand out weeks of your life.
如果你能达成协议, 这周这事能有个了解了。
Why do you think that agriculture can spend up soil erosion
start with the aim of harming others and end up by harming oneself
以损人开始, 以害己告终
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单词 end up 释义

  • 单词释义:最终,结果,到头来  [更多..]



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