单词 trapped air 例句大全,用单词trapped air造句:

Bleed test cocks No.2, 3 and 4 to remove any trapped air.
Bleed test cocks No. 2, 3 and 2 to remove any trapped air.
Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals.
Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals.
Give radiators a periodic check to ensure that no air or gas is trapped
On being heated, air trapped in the gas bag expanded, so the balloon rose.
受热时, 装在气囊中的空气就膨胀, 于是气球上升了。
Fortunately, there are ways by which car owners may get rid of trapped air.
The air is trapped beneath by a metal lining round the lower sides of the craft.
With the car in motion, air was trapped under the hood in the engine compartment.
汽车行驶时, 空气被截留在发动机舱盖下。
By doing so, air or fumes will not be trapped between the diaphragm and sealing weir.
只有这样做, 气体或烟气才不会滞留在隔膜和密封装置之间。
While there is still sufficient trapped air within the container to keep it buoyant, it will float.
This heat causes moisture from the trapped air in the housing to condense on the camera and inside of the housing.
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