单词 tumor imaging 例句大全,用单词tumor imaging造句:

Application of fluorescence imaging in the research of tumor.
Tumor resectability assessment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma using imaging
A Compendium for the Progress in the Principium and Imaging of Tumor Hypoxia
Objective To establish the model of rat liver tumor and to study their MR imaging findings.
目的建立大鼠种植性肝肿瘤模型, 并研究磁共振影像学表现。
Objective To improve the understanding of the imaging features of giant cell tumor of bone.
目的探讨骨巨细胞瘤的影像学特点, 以提高对本病的认识。
Determination of arterial blood flow of malignant trophoblastic tumor with color doppler flow imaging
Splenic tumor of different pathology natures has different imaging features, sometime with similar signs. Conclusion Corr.
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