单词 as far as 例句大全,用单词as far as造句:

As far as I can tell, severe abandonment issues.
As far as I know, Abbotts better not to be lit.
Abdomen drawing as far as possible, but keeping carrying on eupnea, doing not feel suffocated.
As far as Abel says is the purchase of the automotive industry. Special packaging frequent visitor.
As far as I have been able to find out, he has no criminal convictions.
Spontaneity and fun are absent, as far as the visitor can tell.
And as far as they are unpretentious in food you can find them absolutely everywhere.
He's no threat to us, as far as I'm abIe to teII, but he's pretty weak.
Hence, the following discussion is academic as far as current practice is concerned.
因此, 下面的讨论就通常实用角度来说是学院式的了。
I believe he accepted this graciously and as far as I am concerned the incident is behind me.
A media group is scheduled to accompany the flame as far as the base camp.
根据安排, 一个媒体采访团也将随火种一同前往珠峰大本营。
Youll be accompanied as far as the border, thereafter you must find your own way.
有人送你到边境, 然后你必须自己走了。
You will be accompanied as far as the border thereafter you must find your own way.
有人送你到边境, 然後你就得自己走了。
Teachers, when teaching, ought as far as possible to teach students according to their abilities.
Is that a true and accurate statement as far as you know it?
Use a simple phrase as far as possible, but also want accurate, heavy raise!
It was a meaty scene as far as acting goes.
He's still a novice as far as film acting is concerned.
As far as I understand it will be, using an adaptor.
到目前为止, 据我理解, 会通过适配器兼容。
As far as we know, this is the first work addressing this problem specially.
When supporting, as far as possible face plate's working surface will adjust in the horizontal plane.
As far as I could see, it only needed a minor adjustment.
I must admit Im a layman as far as insurance is concerned.
我应该承认, 就保险而言, 我是个外行。
I must admit I'm a layman as far as insurance is concerned.
我应该承认, 就保险而沦, 我是个外行。
As far as my dexterity with the chopstick I admit I could use more practice.
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单词 as far as 释义

  • 单词释义:只要;远到…;据…;直到…为止;就…而言  [更多..]



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