单词 pass away 例句大全,用单词pass away造句:

Men pass away, but their deeds abide.
人总是要死, 但是, 他们的业绩永存。
While some things may pass away, you know that our love and affection will not.
世事难料, 惟有我们的爱和情感不变。
Tom was very sad after his dog pass away after ten years.
汤姆得狗跟了他十年, 而它去世汤姆很悲伤。
Tom was very sad after his dog pass away after ten years.
I felt dizzy after the accident, but the doctor assured me the dizziness would soon pass away.
事故后, 我感到有点头晕, 可医生告诉我说头很快就会不晕的。
Pro 415 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.
箴415要躲避, 不可轻过。要转身而去。
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Though fragrant spring may pass away
Do you think he'll pass away? ?
Pass away is a euphemism for die.
The running water bearing spring will pass away.
The storm pass away before dark.
The boundless sky and endless earth may pass away, but this vow unfulfilled will be regretted forever.
天长地久有时尽, 此恨绵绵无绝期。
Take your false, roll out my world, pray to god, bury the love that pass away!
I am getting older and I am clear that it will not be long before I pass away.
The clouds and storm will in time pass away
Finally these pass away, and the perceiving consciousness has full sway.
When we pass away, they will continue to live.
当我们过世的时候, 他们将会继续住。
But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one serif of the law to fail. Lebih mudah langit dan bumi lenyap dari pada satu titik dari hukum Taurat batal.
天地过去, 比律法的一画落空还容易。
The storm should pass away before dark.
He set them in place for ever and ever he gave a decree that will never pass away.
他将这些立定, 直到永永远远。他定了命, 不能废去。
When it had been raining, thou didst float bits of straw on the gutters , and watch them pass away.
下雨的时候, 你把草茎放在水沟里看着它们漂去。
I want to pass away of should forget early.
She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away.
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单词 pass away 释义

  • 单词释义:(时间等)消磨掉;去世;终止;停止  [更多..]



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