单词 on top 例句大全,用单词on top造句:

Aah! oh! I'm glad that you're having fun, but my back is hurting, so let me get on top.
我很高兴你乐在其中 但是我的背很痛 那让我到上面去。
Stay on top of absenteeism and institute programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked.
Remember a time when you felt absolutely on top of the world ?
能不能想起某一次, 你感到完全超然于世界之上?
New definition of safety factor on toppling stability for fundus of pier and abutment
The academic record by the fact that I make great efforts assiduously, always comes out on top.
通过我刻苦努力的学习, 成绩一直名列前茅
Defines rules for specifying and accessing publication topics.
The hitech cosmetic accessory is fitted on top of the natural nail.
Getting every accolade people could think of, Kaka was really on top of the world.
The car accommodates two passengers in a design that looks like a motorcycle with a cab on top of it.
It had 1, 100 years of sediment accumulated on top of that.
整艘船都埋在海里, 累积了一千一百年的沉积物。
Accumulating sand can lead to great pressure on top of the grottoes and ponding in the rock mass.
Analysis of Forces Acting upon Unconventional Type of Parapet Slab on Top of Embankment
Influences of epigene action upon topography
The sea ad the warn sun made me feel on top of the world.
大海和温暖的阳光, 使我觉得十分舒服。
Add sea urchin on top of the taglierini.
Repeat to add the fruit again, and put one green grape on top.
many practices were added on top of it.
Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.
Towing away when these things will be added on top of things.
On top of that weirdness, magnetars have the added quirk of possessing extremely strong magnetic fields.
最奇怪的是, 磁星竟然拥有极强的磁场。
On top of having been a drunk, my husband had been addicted to smoking for dozens of years.
We then start adding the muscle on top.
adding these foam leaf designs on top of my coffee.
The worst country for adding labelling rules on top of EU ones, says Nick Soper of the Scotch Whisky Association, is Britain.
除了欧盟之外, 英国增设的各种标签规则是最差劲的。
A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top.
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单词 on top 释义

  • 单词释义:在上面;处于优势  [更多..]



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