单词 at the peak of 例句大全,用单词at the peak of造句:

With ancient temple in remote mountains and Shaolin around green, the hero reflects the society in ancient and nowadays at the peak of mountain with roaring wind.
The mountains appear to reach the sky, so that the peak of Tenerife is nothing in comparison
But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are brought to a halt at the peak of the ride.
The heroes of these games aren t250 pound athletes at the peak of physical perfection.
The boxer who is not at the peak of training is likely to be laid cold.
The rich brocade says naught yet smile, at the peak of Chen Shi likes that she dotes above her nice.
They are half the at the peak of the stock market bubble, in 2000.
A novel written at the peak of the writers career.
Although he is past his prime, he is at the peak of his career.
虽然他已过了他的全盛期, 他正在事业的颠峰。
The winter he was killed in an accident, he was at the peak of his career.
遇车祸身亡得那年冬季, 他正处于职业生涯得顶峰。
I know he’s a draft dodger, but I don’t think it’s because he’s a coward. Let’s be real, which celebrity wants to go join the army at the peak of their career?
At the peak of production, around three hundred cotton mills were concentrated in this city.
At the peak of efficiency, the marginal cost of production equals the average cost of production.
在效率的峰值点, 生产的边际成本等于生产的平均成本。
We descanted on the wonders of nature at the peak of the mountain.
I was at the peak of my elegant period.
A Homeland of the Soul at the Peak of Existence
After climbing for a whole night, we finally arrived at the peak of Mount Tai.
经过一夜的攀登, 我们终于登上了泰山的顶巅。
She was at the peak of her popularity.
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单词 at the peak of 释义



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